Monday, March 7, 2016


Another new day and the last day before the work week begins. Printed off a few more pieces with my blender slice technique and even without glue they appear to sit quite nicely. Going to try and develop a more "locking" system but for the time being this serves my purpose extremely well.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Hoji's Mask - Reworked and off to print!!

So finally got around to reworking Hoji's mask from Shadow Warrior. Even trying out my slicing technique to see if helps with assembly.
Thinking I should probably do a tutorial for the Blender slicing and Batch export of STL files, and the sizing the models in Netfabb. But we'll have to see how much time I get to do that up proper. Should roughly take 48 hours to print off all the pieces on the Afinia H479.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

I'm Back!!

Been working on some slicing techniques on large 3D print models using Blender and have seen some positive results. if you'd like to test out these prints you can download the STL files from Thingiverse here:

These models were printed on the Afinia H479 Using fine detail and loose fill. Only raft, no supports.

