Tuesday, November 11, 2008

And the say the young generation is bad...

Well, its been 4 days now since someone said it and it's still bothering me. On Friday on the construction site I work, we where told that we would be taking Monday and Tuesday off. Tuesday being of course remembrance Day, One of the only true ceremonies with purpose. And from one of the older workers came a statement that damn near blew my mind. "Why can't we just have Monday off and work Tuesday instead, so we don't waste anymore days off." Now I've never been one to go to many of the remembrance day marches but every year I support the poppy drives and take time from my day to remember what our forefathers have done for us that allows us to live the way we do. And again I have been living in Alberta long enough to get used to many, and I mean many, of there Redneck tendencies, But this one seemed to bother me the most.
In hindsight I guess this is just another thing Our forefathers have given us, the ability to speak our minds without fear of punishment. Even though they should be sometimes.

But, As you go about your day today, take some time to remember the fallen, the precious men and woman that gave the lives to help the wars, For if it wasn't for them, we may not be here today.

Lest We Forget

Sunday, November 2, 2008

At last......

Well it's been officially 5 years since I last updated my Geocities site in October I decide now is the best time to perhaps take another crack at it. For those who are not in the know I've been working steadily on completing my Plumbing and gasfitting Apprenticeship in Edmonton and have done so with great pride. But now with a bright new open future I find myself looking more to university and degree programs for that added career security. One of these major studies is Japanese, as I've always loved the language but yet never had the mindset to take a Japanese course in high school. But tomorrows a new day and with it comes possibility!

As most of you already know Japanese by itself is not a "degree" program, the end product I'm looking at is a degree in education with a major in Japanese Studies. Having a friend that has already completed this course is much the added benefit.

But to keep this Post short I would like to say hello to all those who have felt last and/or forgotten over these years, And welcome to the little slice of paradise I like to call my world. I hope you enjoy my creative and sometimes questionable content as much as I do creating it.

Open minds and open hearts!

